“IB has broadened my cultural horizons, a skill that I used in college both in and out of the class room and still today. I feel that without my IB education I would have a much more ethnocentric view of the world, but the IB curriculum allowed me to see the importance of respecting and listening to other culture’s view points. I don’t believe you can find that in any other secondary education program. That is the greatest benefit IB has given me, and I truly appreciate it every day. Academia-wise though, without my IB education, I feel that my college classes would have been much more difficult. People always talk about what great study skills IB teaches, and while that is completely true, I believe the greater benefit that the IB curriculum gave me is the ability to take excellent notes, to be able to extract the main idea from a lecture or reading, and to be able to contextualize that idea. Without that skill, you cannot succeed in college classes.”
Tulane ‘16
Emily Achieved her Master of Accountancy in May and will sit for the CPA this summer before heading to work for KPMG in their New Orleans office.