Frequently Asked Questions

Who should consider applying for IB?
Students who like an academic challenge and want to be highly prepared for college should apply for the IB program.  Self-motivated learners who enjoy a broad course of study, intercultural and global thinking, service with strong highly-selective college aspirations would benefit from the IB program. 

What advantages does the IB program offer? 
IB is the best college/university preparatory program in the area. While dual enrollment and other AP classes are available elsewhere, universities and colleges value IB as the most rigorous high school curriculum. In fact, many colleges exclusively recruit students from the IB program and set aside scholarships uniquely for IB graduates.

Is it true students have “no life” outside of IB?    
To be successful in the IB program, a student must commit more effort than a traditional course of study, but IB is just as dedicated to a well-rounded individual as the academic super-achiever. Homework and studying will require approximately 2-3 hours per night. Many assignments are long term so time management is essential.  The majority of our IB students are active members in 2 or more clubs and sports including sailing, cross country & track, football, equestrian sports, theater, band, swimming, dance and student government.   Ask a current student to share their own thoughts on how they balance it all!   

IS FHS IB available only to those who live in the Fairhope school zone? 
Our Fairhope program embraces qualifying students from feeder districts in Elberta, Central Baldwin, Foley, Summerdale and Gulf Shores – creating a broad academic impact and a diverse group of participants. Nearly half our IB student population comes from outside the district.  Transportation is provided by the county.